working together to achieve success
After working in professional practice for 13 years as a Chartered Accountant and in industry for 9 years as a Company Accountant and Finance Director, I founded LRCA Limited in 2019. LRCA Limited is an accountancy practice registered with and regulated by the Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICAEW).
By combining my professional accountancy skills and practical industry knowledge I offer a complete accountancy and business advisory service to my clients.
My philosophy is that every business is different with different accountancy needs. The best way to support any client is to understand their business and their requirements and work alongside them as part of the team.
This philosophy has been supported by fully embracing digital technology and cloud accountancy software and systems. The relationship between a client and accountant is no longer based around producing a historical set of accounts at the end of the year. What cloud accountancy software has created is a more collaborative approach and all-year-round support.